escape fire video transcript

(END VIDEO CLIP) GUPTA: In fact to build on that, if you talk to some of the executives of these hospitals, they will say for every dollar that is actually billed they may collect just pennies. GUPTA: So you're salaried. All Americans have accepted for 50 or more years in the automobile insurance industry that driving record dictates premium. The Escape fire Video demonstrates human stories and leaders in the fight to transform Medicare at the level of medicine, the US military, industry, and government. MARTIN: I think what the American people need is, they need good health care. For example, in 2007, the average Medicare recipient in Miami tallied more than $15,000 in health care bills, whereas a recipient in Minneapolis only cost the government about half that amount. Aladdin (1992)/Transcript. That we really have historically the low growth over the last three years, actually about the rate of our economy which is actually pretty historically low. And from that point on I realized that I don't want to be on this. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) DR. ERIN MARTIN, PRIMARY CARE: After I'd left La Clinica, I joined this new practice. The fire exploded, it's moving over 600 feet a minute, faster than most people could ever run. They are going to healthcare. It's completely changed food. We have to basically treat the patient for whatever they say, and a lot of times patients become so drowsy that they're not aware of how much they're taking. GUPTA: Erin, do you want to respond to that? ROSS: All right. American healthcare costs are rising so rapidly that they could reach $4.2 trillion annually, roughly 20% of our gross domestic product, within ten years. We have a lot more power over how healthy we are than we are willing to take credit for or willing to take responsibility for. NISSEN: Because of the money that's involved, getting people to do the right thing for the American people has become extremely difficult. I'm two and a half months out of combat. You have to play this game with what does this patient need and how much time am I willing to spend with them, because the administration is telling you you need to see more patients, we're in the red. Format: DVD Edition: Widescreen. The Dartmouth study showed the patients in places like Miami were receiving more care. Dr. Berwick suggests that the current state of healthcare. So that's rewarding for me. To feel that way when you come home is demoralizing. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No. I take a pharmaceutical drug myself, but if there's one thing that I would love to see you begin to implement in your own practice and teach others about, it's to try to change this mindset that has so completely taken hold in our culture on the part of both doctors and patients that drugs are the only legitimate way to treat disease. Escape fire : the fight to rescue American healthcare Authors:Matthew Heineman(Director, Producer), Susan Froemke(Director, Producer), Donald M. Berwick(Commentator), Shannon Brownlee(Commentator), Wayne B. Jonas(Commentator), Steven E. Nissen(Commentator), Andrew Weil, Chad Kelly(Composer), Moby(Composer), Aisle C Productions(Production company) We see a lot of the chronic conditions that affect many Americans that have gone untreated for sometimes months, but sometimes years. So we're going to open up some chi? MARTIN: As a primary care physician, we're supposed to be the people that are making sure the patients don't get sick and that they have everything that they need to maintain health. I smoked six cigars a day, 10 cups of coffee, a lot of wine. It's here, right in the center of your chest. Compared to having your chest cut open? It's OK. You're good, you're good. GUPTA: And I want to leave all of you at home with a thought as well. Host virtual events and webinars to increase engagement and generate leads. If it's a radiologist, they get paid for each CT scan they deliver. GUPTA: I think it's an important point to make because to lay it squarely at the feet of a profitable disease care system, that may be true, 50th in the world, I think a lot of people really struck by that. Your company becomes more competitive. I mean, I can't think of a single negative in doing this. Alvin and the Chipmunks/Transcript. So here I am going in and out of the hospital to find out what's going on. The documentary "Escape Fire: The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare" makes this argument with stunning clarity. ROSS: If you had to? What made you decide to do that? He's, like, clutching his head. She joins us now. JOE BIDEN, VICE PRESIDENT: Good morning, folks, how are you? If you have cholesterol under control, a discount. We just have to keep working towards that. It's a happy time in my life right now. It sounded like it was so bad that you basically had to leave your practice. A heart cath, get another stent. How are you feeling? All Dogs Go to Heaven 2/Transcript. Event marketing. Something like that. Just sheer numbers, $2.7 trillion per year. A stapler, this stapler that is often to used in surgery, like this? MARTIN: Can you feel this? Smoke jumpers were parachuted in a team of 15 headed by a foreman named Wag Dodge. I don't want to go down the same path. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I just want to see what they've given him. I feel like I'm changing. GUPTA: Can you actually get a-hold of those people? NISSEN: If you look at health care in America, you're twice as likely to get your knee replaced as you are in Western countries with the same standard of living. And the fire spread around him. I was on Trizadon. And all insurance companies are saying is your behavior should drive the premium. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You realize one day, wow, I haven't worked out. These calories are cheap only when you buy them, but when you look at the overall cost to society, these cheap calories are just so junky, they are really the most expensive. See you soon. Maintaining my pain. ORNISH: Dr. Peter Carroll and I collaborated with Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn, who won the Nobel Prize in medicine and she had done a study showing that stress creates shorter telomere, said as your telomeres get shorter, your life gets shorter. MARTIN: OK. There's the bright blue slush. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. He overdosed. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Without the financial incentives, there's no way I could have gotten to the point that I am now, at saving literally thousands of dollars over the past few years by being healthier. DR. ERIN MARTIN, PRIMARY CARE: I got to go to work. NIEMTZOW: Because of that? Yvonne Osborn began suffering from severe chest pain at the age of 34. I started having really, really bad chest pain. Look at the thinness. And then clearly we have social and economic issues that impact people's ability to access if you look at our percentage of un-insurers. TUCKSON: Primary care doctors are being cared more. And then we're not going to help anybody. There are lots of people like that, like I said, less than 30 percent of the people that end up with a stent are basically in that category. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. Instead of basing things on outcomes, on how good of a job we're doing, the government sets the reimbursement completely on the number of patients that we see. Don't need you, don't need you. Let me distinguish two terms. MARTIN: And they don't reimburse for nutritional counseling or anything like that. BROWNLEE: The really astonishing part about the fact that we spend more is we have worst health outcomes. SHANNON BROWNLEE, MEDICAL JOURNALIST: How powerful are lobbyists in the healthcare system? That is chest pain that is actually currently damaging the heart in patients. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Good, how have you been? But with regard to prevention, preventing disease, does that save us money? Escape fire: the fight to rescue American healthcare (DVD) Contributors: Heineman, Matthew, director, Froemke, Susan, director, Berwick, Donald M. 1946- commentator. ERIC WARD, SAFEWAY EMPLOYEE: At my heaviest, I was over 200 pounds. Escape Fire: The Fight To Save American Health Care. Aladdin and the King of Thieves/Transcript. GRUBER: Well, Sanjay, I think If you look at the affordable care act in the hole, it will. Until my doctor said to me, I don't know what else to do for you. DR. ELIZABETH BLACKBURN, NOBEL PRIZE IN MEDICINE, 2009, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO: Telomere are the ends of chromosomes. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What are you going to do at work? About three weeks ago, because of the state budget crisis, we got told with very little notice that Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement was going to be cut by about 25 percent. A documentary highlighting the shortcomings of the American healthcare system. And if you look at even devices like -- this is a needle that's used for biopsy. WEIL: In Western medicine, all of our effort is on dispelling evil. You just look different. Again, you were part of the documentary. All right. That requires so much work, but we do it because we're committed to having her stay out of the hospital. I was taking 64 pills a day of combinations of Roxaset and Oxycotin. Anybody else would laugh, you know? Okay. What does that do? Thanks for watching. BRIAN WILLIAMS, NBC'S "NIGHTLY NEWS": FDA advisory committee started hearing evidence on whether Avandia is so unsafe it should be pulled off the market altogether. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: People often think it has to be a new drug or a new laser or something really high-tech and expensive for it to be powerful. Aladdin (2019)/Transcript. I think to, to be clear, this is incentive that the paying last to be healthy . And yet the outcomes, the survival rates are at the highest levels. So, if there's a concern someone has a tumor, they who use a needle like this. CARROLL: We found that the men who underwent lifestyle intervention, their PSA rates generally went down and they were less likely to require treatment. We cut people open, re-bypass their blocked arteries and he would tell them they were cured, and they'd go home and more often than not eat the same junk food, smoke, and not manage stress, not exercise, and then often their bypasses would clog up, so we cut them open, we bypass their bypass, sometimes multiple times. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: How are you? They did not tell physicians. But, one of the arguments seems to be, you add more people to the system, you get a lot more people insured. And Doctor Nissen is in salaried as well. All right. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Let me get that jacket away from him. That may strike people as very high. If somebody has hypertension, we give anti-hypertension drugs. NISSEN: We're not saying that people are doing these procedures for profit. It's an expensive world to live in in terms of getting your voice heard in D.C., but that's the whole function of advocacy. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We have had enough. CAIN: I'm optimistic right now, Sanjay, because right now we are in a different era, where people understand that effective primary care gives us higher quality, lower costs, but not only that, patients are healthier and like that kind of care. Obesity leads to heart disease and strokes and diabetes. How did -- what did think about that? It just wants you to keep coming back for your care of your chronic disease. The really astonishing part about the fact that we spend more is we have worse health outcomes. BURD: What we've discovered was that 70 percent of health care costs are driven by people's behaviors. BROWNLEE: There's a saying in health care policy that 20 percent of the patients account for 80 percent of the costs, and the majority of those costs are when they are repeatedly hospitalized. BURD: Thirty percent of our smokers have quit, 21 percent of our obese population are no longer obese, and Safeway employees will be less of a burden on the Medicare of the future because they have adopted to this culture of health and fitness. JONAS: If the military is able to successfully integrate acupuncture, meditation, and mind body, yoga, then we'll find that the culture at large will learn how to adopt it, and it will have a transformative effect on our healthcare system. DR. SANJAY GUPTA, HOST: Good evening. The fire broke out around 10 p.m. Monday at the Cozumel Apartments in the 6400 block of Sierra Blanca Drive near Westpark Tollway and Highway 6. ROSS: What's the regular food? To a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail. WENDELL POTTER, FORMER HEAD OF COMMUNICATIONS, CIGNA: There's the assumption that people who run government, elected officials, members of Congress, but it's not true in many cases. That was how many medications I was on. I haven't touched my toes in months. We're the only providers for. I mean, when the cost of some of the things we use on a regular basis. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, that had to be something to do with my diabetes. I was in the hospital for two weeks. MARTIN: Wow. Probably put him on the bottom on the other side. NIEMTZOW: That means we're getting the needles in the right -- in the right place. WARD: For a long period of time I was hiding. DR. CLIVE ALONZO, HOSPITAL INTERNIST, CROWN POINT, INDIANA: My medical training was just focused on giving these patients pharmaceuticals or giving them expensive tests to treat the condition after it occurred. You know, without the use of fancy technology and expensive pharmaceutical medications. Why do we care about covering the uninsured? (COMMERCIAL BREAK) DR. PAMELA ROSS, EMERGENCY MEDICINE, UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA: Hello, Dr. Ross. I mean, where did that idea come from? And water, they are saying, I'm going to have to give up to get there. ORNISH: There's very little evidence that these conventional treatments make you live longer, but they cause many men to be impotent or incontinent or both. Things could move in that direction here, and this is not the choice of the doctor. He asked for pain medication. Our health care system. You just never get to the bottom of what's causing all of these problems that they are having. But I'm doing it. It was either come and get care there or not get care at all. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: McDonald's put salads on the menu, but turns out the salad is $6, the burger is 99 cents. CARNES: Release the breath in a smooth, even stream out. The fire escape represents the ephemeral escape from his life inside the apartment. What we do with waste in healthcare. When you're in the inner circle of the health insurance company, what's most important is meeting Wall Street's expectations. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I got my blood sugar under control. Published: Santa Monica, Calif. : Lionsgate, [2013]. And welcome home. He is also a president of the society for interventional and geography in intervention. BURD: You can't say you're interested in a culture of health and fitness without providing a first-class gym. It was a passion for healing. MARTIN: I had to do the fellowship because it was kind of my little ray of hope that things could be better, things can be done differently. Some would say overrewarded specialty and subspecialties. Upload captions and transcripts. Having a diabetes drug that increases the risk of heart attack by nearly one-third is a public health DR. STEVEN NISSEN, CHAIRMAN, CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE, CLEVELAND CLINIC: Having a diabetes drug that increases the risk of heart attack by nearly one-third is a public health catastrophe and the company didn't tell anybody. But these companies will do whatever it takes to make sure there's no new laws or regulations that would hinder their profits. We're fighting everything for that not to happen, but it's because there isn't the funding going into primary care. And, you know, you kind of get busy. That isn't true in Canada. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: But Mommy, what are you going to do? My energy level is up. NIEMTZOW: If you didn't have the acupuncture needles, how do you think you'd be feeling? And ironically, it was only two hours away at the Cleveland Clinic. If you have that desire to quit smoking, we'll get there eventually. She had had bypass surgery at an early age. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So uncomfortable and I need to pee again. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It wears on your lower back wearing, you know, a 40-pound vest. Rescue care is second to none. I have an acutely suicidal patient in my office that I need help with. As Berwick says in the film, "We're in Mann Gulch. DR. REED TUCKSON, EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT, CHIEF OF MEDICAL AFFAIRS, UNITED HEALTH GROUP: There is no question that primary care doctors are underpaid, especially relative to their specialty counter parts, those who do procedures. There's a contradiction to what we do. You say there's a lot of Yvonnes (ph) out there, the patient we just met. Ten allotted. Thanks all of you for joining us. more . Original Airdate 08/17/2022. And maybe it would be easier to take care of people and keep them from getting sick before they actually did get sick. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) COMMERCIAL ANNOUNCER: Managing Type 2 diabetes can be hard. I haven't exercised. ROBIN CARNES, WALTER REED ARMY MEDICAL ENTER MEDITATION INSTRUCTOR: The first thing I'd like to do is teach you a breathing exercise with a targeted effect on post-traumatic stress. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. Have you -- UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: 2008. CARNES: Notice where you are in the room, the people around. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I just -- MARTIN: What were you trying to do? UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: It's an idea that's received national attention. It has to do with expectations of patients. I never had a personal doctor, family doctor, nothing, all my life. I can't be having heart problems. Where does that money come from? They also tell us, they do hike up prices so patients with good insurance can help pay extra to help compensate for those payers who pay less or uninsured all together, perhaps. PROTESTERS: Healthcare. Rescue care is second to none. What that means is, the money we spend on prevention improves our health greatly per dollar spent. If I burn the fuel around me, then when the fire comes and it takes me, I'm safe. What do you think of that? I took care of them and I was responsible for them and just worrying about if somebody else is going to do for them what they need. And I say that as doctor. So, we decided to give you a look at a typical operating room bill and that breaks down. BERWICK: It's so frustrating to know how high the risks are and how easy the answers are. Afghanistan? We spend one heck of a lot of money. You didn't think you could take care of patients and get reimbursed enough to do the work you need to do. What we don't know, is that a fundamental change? I have an insurance now perhaps. GUPTA: I think the numbers are surprising to a lot of people, even people who work in hospital. If someone had talked to her -- I think someone had really teased out her chest pain and shortness of breath, I think many of her cardiac catheterization and stents would not be necessary. Description: In this clip* from the award-winning documentary, Escape Fire: A Fight to Rescue American Healthcare, you will hear about two patients trying to navigate the US health care system. Also, the guaranteeing a certain level of effectiveness of this needle, that costs money as well. JONAS: There's very large randomized trials done at multiple centers that have demonstrated that acupuncture works, so we put together a study to see if we can actually insert this simple acupuncture technique during the aerovacs of wounded soldiers into Walter Reed and other medical centers in the United States. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You need to get up and pee? It is an IV like this, about $280 just for the IV bag. Video: This tiny shape-shifting robot can melt its way out of a cage . SHANNON BROWNLEE, MEDICAL JOURNALIST: We're in the grip of a very big industry, and it doesn't want to stop making money. free fire short headshot status #viral #shorts #youtubeshorts#youtubeshorts #viral #freefireshorts #free #gaming #freefire #ff #youtube #video #gam #ffstatus. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I feel like I'm warming up a little bit. You are going to hear from many different voices with varying opinions and backgrounds tonight. Sometimes it's related to what the individuals actually have access to. (CROSSTALK) KASCH: That's why he's a little high right now. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. MARTIN: That's a little -- might be a little bit of a culture shift, too, for the patients. BERWICK: It's really easy to find articles or speeches 30 years ago in which leaders were calling for change, unsustainable costs, problems and outcomes in quality. Can't wait to be there. THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. This point I'm in. I'm Dr. Sanjay Gupta. NISSEN: Good morning. JONATHAN GRUBER, ECONOMIST, MIT: Prevention, unfortunately, does actually saves us money, you know. Six years ago before I became CEO, I stopped to think, I've never looked after a healthy person and maybe it would be easier to take care of people and keep them from getting sick before they actually did get sick. If you're in the system, do you access of if you are insured, if you are living in a safe neighborhood, your outcomes are great in America. But you end up being this revolving door. If you're on a fixed income, what are you going to do for your family? Not having to eat all these pills. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: At the executive level, what's most important is hitting Wall Street's expectations, and they have to. UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: A new study finds a growing number of combat veterans are battling mental illness, but many are finding it difficult to get the help they need. OK? Maybe even a provider service. If you're seeing redundancies in service, go back and meet with your medical professional. And healthcare doesn't need to be immune to that. I said, there's got to be a better way. WEIL: A great deal of what's done in conventional medicine is to put band-aids on things or to suppress symptoms. We create a public expectation that more is better, which isn't actually true so people seek more. So we provide incentives for people to engage in healthier behavior. A lot of unnecessary stents? The film is about finding a way out. They are often poor patients, but not always. But we end up being this revolving door. . Escape Fire Worksheet Escape Fire: The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare HSC 507 Introduction to Health Service Systems & Organizations Central Michigan University - Spring 2020 Print your name: _Kya Churchill _____ The video has been placed on reserve in the CMU Library. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No. YATES: That's a healing process because you're not bottling up, it's going to a different section in your mind to where you can start processing it. And in some ways, I think of a lot of what's happening in health care is kind of dark matter. And how to know if you're being prescribed unnecessary procedures. I need to speak with the crisis worker. Also, Doctor Reed Tuckson, he is the chief medical officer for the united health group. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK. MARTIN: So we need the crisis counselor, then. It's unseen, but it's there and it's very, very powerful. Jonas, Wayne B., commentator. CARNES: We'll end the practice today with the completing statements. If we get Medicare to cover it, then everyone else will cover it and if everyone covers it then it becomes a standard of care. It's too much paying for it. There are answers, we know what safe care looks like. I mean, to talk about how we shift toward -- away from disease intervention toward disease prevention and health promotion, I mean, that -- that requires a massive rethinking about medicine and healthcare at all levels of society. The small wire cage you see there is the actual step. Those are the kind of things that would actually have an impact. You know? Co-directed by Matthew Heineman and Academy Award-nominee Susan Froemke (Lalee's Kin: The Legacy of Cotton), Escape Fire looks at a U.S. healthcare system designed to profit on disease not. GRUBER: For everybody. If you ask the manufacturers a device like this, why so much money? We want that. (CROSSTALK) (COMMERCIAL BREAK) UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Overmedicating is a huge problem in society and the military is no exception. Good. Try to break a sweat every day. GUPTA: I want to point out something. That is how many medications I was on. BROWNLEE: We spend a spectacular amount of money on healthcare. What do you think? And is it still traveling into your neck? He is the president of the American Academy of Family Physicians. You get paid for the service that you're doing as opposed to for the overall care of the patient. (END VIDEO CLIP) GUPTA: Dr. Erin Martin, that's a primary care doctor you just saw in the film. Escape Fire: The Fight To Save American Health Care Aired March 10, 2013 - 20:00 ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. PROTESTERS: Now. Receive your transcript. They can pretty much get away with increasing the rates as much as they want to. Then all of a sudden I started getting chest pains. And it's got to the point where the pain's radiating from my back down to my hips and then down to my thighs. Click on "Export" and choose your preferred file format. MARTIN: Are you taking your medication? He or she assembles a team of five other people to work with, a nurse, a yoga teacher, an exercise physiologist, a registered dietitian, and a clinical psychologist. It's hard to say good-bye to the patients. GUPTA: The children dying before the age of five exceeds any of the other 16 richest countries. ESCAPE FIRE tackles one of the most pressing issues of our time: what can be done to save our broken medical system? Seventy-three seconds into the 28 January 1986 . Most diseases don't happen overnight. It's about saving the health of a nation. It is just tragic to think of the answer being there but just in the -- in the moment not able to see it. Meditation takes the place of that. And the basis of that turning around by paying primary care doctors more is to incentivize primary care doctors to participate as members of comprehensive health care teams just so that the kind of challenges that Erin faced out there by herself can now be accomplished by pulling a team together, then, let them work hard to save dollars and improve quality of care and then, the primary care doctor benefits from those economic savings and those financial incentives. It's all about the numbers and how many millions of dollars, if not billions of dollars, you're earning in profits. Going to go look for it. The present healthcare system doesn't work. And here's the secret, healthier people cost less money too. It's the best treatment and it saves lives, period. I mean -- but you have to have the time to educate your patient. But, we have the ability to make huge changes in our patient's lives and we're not using that, because it's not reimbursed and frankly physicians are not taught how to do it. We've set up a system that often pushes physicians and hospitals in the entire health care system into doing more. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Came off the mountain with only eight? UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'd do it if I had to. And they have to, these for-profit companies by law have to serve shareholders. YATES: I was on Parazasin just for nightmares. Some people, this is all they eat, food of this sort. You just never get to the bottom of what's causing al he these problems they're having. GUPTA: I think, what Doctor Nissen is describing us, a fee for the service, sort of model. Let's be honest. And when we come back, just how much does profit play a role in all these treatment decisions. No soldier should have to go through this. It should bring some of these costs down, because now more people are actually, you're not spreading the costs out over a few people, but rather more. Dollars, if not billions of dollars, if there 's got to something! I feel like I 'm two and a half months out of the things we on... Of un-insurers diabetes can be hard up a system that often pushes Physicians and hospitals in the of...: Lionsgate, [ 2013 ] people and keep them from getting sick before they actually get! Time: what are you going to do for your care of patients and get there! Getting the needles in the hole, it will rates are at the Cleveland Clinic care looks like a.... 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escape fire video transcript